
Oroit Lekuak-english

Oroit Lekuak (Places of memory): The history of Euskal Herria as told by the Basque People

Over the next few months we will be offering these guided tours to learn more about the history of Euskal Herria.

This initiative is promoted by Historiazaleok in collaboration with the associations Iruña-Veleia Martxan, Euskeraren Jatorria, Centro Trueba, Arbasoen Deia, Elkartu Foroa and several researchers in our history.

Below you can read the explanatory sheets for each visit.

Most visits are on Sunday mornings. To see the information about each visit, click on the title. There you will find the details about the visit as well as the contact details.

For further information about Oroit Lekuak contact us through the following email address:

Calendar of the guided tours 2024


1 September: Iruña-Veleia history of a conflict and a site.Josetxo Mendia (Iruña-Veleia Araba)

15 September: The path of the right to live with dignity: Foruak eta Lagizaharrak. Odon Ulibarrena (Gernika-Bizkaia)

22 September: Mining Encartaciones, the other view. The undivided mountains of Triano. Ricardo Santamaria (Gallarta-Bizkaia)

29 September: Bizkaia in the Middle Ages. Aitzol Altuna (Galdakao-Bizkaia)

5 October: What they do not tell us about the origin of the Basque language: proposals, researchers, importance, cosmovision... Patxi Alaña (Bilbo-Bizkaia)

6 October:Iruña-Veleia history of a conflict and a site. Josetxo Mendia (Iruña-Veleia Araba)

13 october : The end of the gentiles: an important story to know about Basque mythology. Juan Inazio Hartsuaga (Ataun-Gipuzkoa)

20 october : The Basques from the Aquitaine War to sovereignty (768-778-824). Battle of Orreaga/Roncesvalles-Errozabal. Iñaki Lopez de Luzuriaga (Orreaga-Nafarroa)

26 october : Battle of Somorrostro. Turning point. Loss of rights. Beginning of impoverishment. Ricardo Santamaria (Trapaga-Bizkaia)

27 october : Zuberoa, Maule Castle, institutional structures in Xiberoaprior to 1789, the uprising of Matalaz. Allande Etxart (Maule-Zuberoa)

3 November:  Iruña-Veleia history of a conflict and a site.Josetxo Mendia (Iruña-Veleia Araba)

10 November: Sara Caves: history, beliefs, livestock and vegetation and geology. Joritz Larratz (Sara-Lapurdi)

10 November: The life and legacy of Bittor Kapanaga and the origin of the Basque language. Agurtza eta Aintzane Lazkano (Otxandio-Bizkaia)

17 November: Romanisation in the Basque Country. Josetxo Mendia (Iruña-Veleia Araba)

24 November: Guided tour of the capital of the contemporary independent state of Navarre. Tomas Urzainki (Iruña-Nafarroa)

1 December: Iruña-Veleia history of a conflict and a site. Josetxo Mendia (Iruña-Veleia Araba)

8 December: The Bilbao estuary 7,000 years ago. Jabier Goitia (Erandio-Bizkaia)

15 December: Erraztiolatza-Segura, a witness that reveals our Navarrese history. Rafa Berasategi (Errastiolatza-Gipuzkoa)



The Historiazaleok group has launched the Oroit Lekuak (Places of Memory) project to analyse and understand the history of our country. This way, we want to recover our historical memory, bring it to the present and project it into the future.

As has often been said, people that who are aware of their past, are also better prepared to face their future. Or as the dantzaris say: the back shows how to dance the front.

The history of the Basque Country is varied, multifaceted, complex. In a country where oral culture has had so much relevance, our collective milestones have often gone unnoticed, not appearing in the papers or in the official history.

That is why, through the Oroit Lekuak project, we want to put people on the center, narrating from our own perspective the main events, customs, language, institutions, law... And not from the perspective of outsiders or those who are at the service of outsiders.



aurrekoa 2024 iraila hurrengoa

Azken Albisteak

Oroit lekuak / Lugares de la Memoria / Lieux de Mémoire
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